Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm BACK in a jiffy...

Sorry sorry sorry…OK SORRY

I know I couldn’t write but then how could I…! I don’t have a notebook right now; my friend’s net connection is down and my exams were scorching my head in the worst possible manner. Meanwhile I wasn’t well and had been squatting over health centre floors from the past two weeks, so kindly excuse me.

But what has happened has happened, and wouldn’t be repeated. (In case it does, kindly read this post again :P)

So, I’m back this time full-fledged on Face book, Twitter, Orkut and LinkedIn and you can add me wherever and whenever you feel like. But catch me before I catch you or I’ll ask why you didn’t catch me before! :P

Happy living and Great Earning…

P.S: Making Earth a better place to live on…


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